A drywell heat source offering a combination of extreme portability and good performance to meet the . Temperature ranges from 35°C to 375°C, with an accuracy of 0. Anyone can learn to use one in less than minutes. It has a range to 375°C (707°F) and is perfect for checking. Free delivery on eligible orders.
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This dry-well is only four inches high and six inches wide, reaches temperatures as low as –10degrees Celsius, includes a NIST-traceable calibration, and is . Largest Online marketplace for Medical Equipment Replacement Parts featuring. S Dry-Well – HDRC Handheld Dry-Well D. Output from FLuke 7Vs=25. Fluke Authorized Distributor.
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Descubre la mejor forma de comprar online. They suit field testing of . En temperatur kilde, man kan tage med sig overalt. Hurtig og nem kalibreringer af temperaturfølere.
This unit has a temperature range to 375°C and is perfect for checking RTDs, . Rental and lease options. Najľahší a najprenosnejší kalibrátor. Oferta AM Technologies, Aparatura pomiarowa i telekomunikacyjna. Note: Lead time may vary.
Niewielkich rozmiarów urządzenie jest mobilnym źródłem . Encuentra más productos de Cámaras y Accesorios, Cámaras Convencionales, Manuales. Jon demonstrates how Field Metrology Wells make it convenient and easy to plug in a reference thermometer. Serial Number, B6B40 Cal Due Date, Unknown. Maailman pienimmät uunit.
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